کتاب کره ای 사랑해요 한국어 3 - I Love Korean 3 textbook

کتاب کره ای 사랑해요 한국어 3 - I Love Korean 3 textbook
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 جلد سوم من عاشق کره ای هستم، مجموعه ای برای بزرگسالانی که پایه زبان کره ای ندارند. این یک دوره کوتاه مدت، حدود 60 ساعت است که به دانش آموزان اجازه می دهد تا مهارت های ارتباطی را در یادگیری الفبای کره ای و استفاده از آن در موقعیت های خاص زندگی روزمره توسعه دهند.

  • این جلد شامل 9 درس است. هر یک از آنها به دو بخش مختلف تقسیم می شوند: در بخش اول دانش آموز حوزه ای از دانش را تمرین می کند و در بخش دوم دانش آموزان سوالاتی را پیدا می کنند که عبارات و واژگانی را که قبلاً مطالعه شده است را نشان می دهد. علاوه بر این در ابتدای هر درس. واژگان در جداول همراه با تصاویر نشان داده شده است که به دانش آموزان در درک مفاهیم کمک می کند.
    علاوه بر این، من عاشق زبان کره‌ای هستم که در هر درس از ساختار یکسانی پیروی می‌کند: عبارات کلیدی، واژگان، صحبت کردن، گوش دادن و فعالیت‌هایی که در قسمت‌های قبلی متمرکز شده‌اند که به دانش‌آموزان اجازه می‌دهد تا محتوای امتحان Topik را همزمان تمرین کنند.
    Third volume of I love Korean, a series targeted to adults who do not have a base in Korean language. It is an short-term course, about 60 hours, which allows students to develop communicative skills learning the Corean alphabet and using it in certain situations of daily life.
    This volume contains 9 lessons. Each of them is divided in two different sections: in the first one, the student will practice an area of knowledge and in the second students will find questions showing expressions and vocabulary which have been previously studied. In addition, at the beginning of each lesson. vocabulary is shown in tables with pictures which helps students understanding the concepts.
    On top of that, I love Korean follows the same structure in every lessons: Key expressions, vocabulary, speaking, listening and activities focused in the previous areas which allows students to practice the contents of the Topik exam at the same time.
    The book is entirely printed in color and it has high quality paper.
    The book also includes a QR code to download the audios of the listening part. They are also available on top of this file.
    Description by the publishers
    서울대학교 언어교육원이 개발한 단기 연수용(약 60시간) 한국어 교재
    시리즈는 한국어 의사소통 능력을 키우고자 하는 성인 학습자들이
    단기간에 기초적인 한국어 능력을 갖추도록 하기 위해 개발되었습니다.
    The series of short-term (about 60 hours) Korean textbooks developed by the Seoul National University Language Education Center aim to enable adult learners to acquire basic Korean language skills in a short period of time.
    머리말 Preface
    일러두기 How to Use This Book
    교재 구성표 Scope and Sequence
    등장인물 Characters
    1단원 계획 Plans
    1과 방학 동안 뭐 할 거예요? What are you going to do during school break?
    2과 제가 예약할게요 I’ll make a reservation
    2단원 문의 Inquiry
    1과 기숙사로 이사하려고 해요 I’m planning on moving to a dormitory
    2과 등록금을 언제까지 내야 되나요? When do I have to pay tuition by?
    3단원 경험 Experiences
    1과 노량진수산시장에 가 봤어요? Have you been to Noryangjin Fish Market?
    2과 뮤지컬을 봤는데 정말 재미있었어요 I saw a musical and it was really fun
    4단원 취업 Employment
    1과 컴퓨터 회사에서 일한 적이 있습니다 I've worked at a computer company
    2과 지금 다니는 회사보다 연봉이 많아요 The salary is higher than my current job
    5단원 건강 Health
    1과 건강에 관심이 많네요 You’re very interested in health
    2과 몸살이 난 것 같아요 I feel like I'm aching all over
    6단원 고장 Broken
    1과 노트북 화면이 안 나와요 My laptop screen won't turn on
    2과 세탁기가 고장 나서 전화 드렸어요 I called because my washing machine is broken
    7단원 모임 Gatherings
    1과 금요일에 신입생 환영회에 갈 거예요?
    Are you going to freshman welcome party on Friday?
    2과 우리 같은 신입생이니까 말 놓을까요?
    Since we're both freshmen, shall we speak casually?
    8단원 변화 Change
    1과 부산에서 살다가 서울로 오게 됐어
    We were living in Busan and ended up moving to Seoul
    2과 대학교를 졸업한 후에 뭐 하고 싶어요?
    What do you want to do after you graduate college?
    9단원 명절 Holidays
    1과 가족처럼 지내는 친구들이 있어서 괜찮아요
    It's okay because I have friends who are like family
    2과 설날에는 떡국을 먹는다 We eat rice-cake soup on Lunar New Year’s Day
    부록 Appendix

عنوان کتاب کتاب کره ای 사랑해요 한국어 3 - I Love Korean 3 textbook
ناشر Seoul National University Press
شابک 9788952128782
تعدادصفحات 184 صفحه
قطع کتاب رحلی
نوع جلد شومیز
نوع چاپ سیاه و سفید / ورنگی
شناسه کالا: 6185904

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